Stories to Encourage
Whether it’s continued learning, personal growth or improved quality of life.
Each person has unique gifts and talents, and I LOVE seeing that!
I have been blessed in my nursing career, working with many knowledgeable colleagues.
I have had the honor of specializing in older adult care and service throughout my career; it is time to share what I know with others.
I hope there are opportunities for all readers to find some helpful nugget they incorporate into their careers or life in how it best suits them.
I want to encourage older adults or their families to help them live the life they can, whatever stage they are at.
Together, we need to celebrate life’s pleasures and walk with one another through the challenges. It is part of living. Wholistic health and well-being are essential to one’s quality of life, and older adults should “live the best life they can” until their last breath.
⚠️ They have the right to make their own choices
⚠️ They are the boss of their life
I love helping share options with older adults or their families if needed to help set the stage for them or what they have to face to make the choices they need to.
Each person needs to find out what is best for them.
“Leaders do not need to be appointed or even invited to exercise leadership; they do it because they care more than others think is wise; risk more than others think is safe; dream more than others think is practical; and expect more than others think is possible. (Grossman & Valiga, 2005, p. 14)”
I grew up on a farm in Ottawa Valley with loving parents and seven siblings and had a great childhood that set my core values. I married my teenage sweetheart and moved to the West Coast of Canada. We have two children and three grandchildren. I like to play harder than I work, and I work hard.
I will strive to be compassionate, trustworthy, skillful, inspirational, and creative. I want to make a beneficial difference to everyone in my life. All I do will reflect my love for people and my belief in God. I am committed to life-long learning, reassessing, and regularly re-evaluating my goals and vision. I will achieve a greater understanding and the need to know what is necessary to change to enhance the quality of life and service for others and myself. I want to embrace the depth of my unique gifts and insights to serve purposefully in my professional career and personal life. I will enjoy life to the fullest!
This will require continual leadership on my part to uphold, forgive myself when I falter, and find ways to continue to meet and reassess my whole purpose in life.
Since I became an “Oma,” also known as a grandmother to many, it has been a delightful joy to spend time with the grandchildren.
They ask the best questions and say what grown-ups think but do not say out loud.
I want to encourage my grandchildren and all children to aspire to be whom they want to be. Dream big, explore this beautiful world of ours, including nature, and love the life they live, caring about themselves and others and every living creature.
I am so excited about this next portion of my career. I hope what you read and see on this site encourages you in your life or the life of a loved one.
Feel free to contact me about any topic about older adults if you have any questions or are looking for guidance. I do not know all the answers; however, I am creative enough to find a starting point to assist you or a loved one.